Token Dot Providers

The token dot provider pattern allows users to initialize new curves and provide custom bond and unbond functionality for minting and burning tokens.

The web admin provides an interface for engaging with token dot providers via the 'Token Tools' menu and deploy new token dot providers based on preloaded template artifacts.

The below provider contract allows users to initialize new curves and provide its own bond and unbond functionality which may be customized. When a user bonds or unbonds, an ERC20 token is minted or burned respectively.

Token factory providers may contain

Since endpoint specifiers must be unique for any given provider, new curves initialized by onchain token factory providers must have unique endpoint specifiers. Ex PlayerA, PlayerB NOT PlayerA, PlayerA

Note that below imports reflect file structure of zap contract repo

import "../token/TokenFactoryInterface.sol";
import "../token/FactoryTokenInterface.sol";
import "../ownership/ZapCoordinatorInterface.sol";
import "../../platform/bondage/BondageInterface.sol";
import "../../platform/bondage/currentCost/CurrentCostInterface.sol";
import "../../platform/registry/RegistryInterface.sol";
import "../../platform/bondage/currentCost/CurrentCostInterface.sol";

contract TokenDotFactory is Ownable {

    CurrentCostInterface currentCost;
    FactoryTokenInterface public reserveToken;
    ZapCoordinatorInterface public coord;
    TokenFactoryInterface public tokenFactory;
    BondageInterface bondage;

    mapping(bytes32 => address) public curves;

    event DotTokenCreated(address tokenAddress);

        address coordinator, 
        address factory,
        uint256 providerPubKey,
        bytes32 providerTitle 
        coord = ZapCoordinatorInterface(coordinator); 
        reserveToken = FactoryTokenInterface(coord.getContract("ZAP_TOKEN"));
        //always allow bondage to transfer from wallet
        reserveToken.approve(coord.getContract("BONDAGE"), ~uint256(0));
        tokenFactory = TokenFactoryInterface(factory);

        RegistryInterface registry = RegistryInterface(coord.getContract("REGISTRY")); 
        registry.initiateProvider(providerPubKey, providerTitle);

    function initializeCurve(
        bytes32 specifier, 
        bytes32 symbol, 
        int256[] curve
    ) public returns(address) {
        require(curves[specifier] == 0, "Curve specifier already exists");
        RegistryInterface registry = RegistryInterface(coord.getContract("REGISTRY")); 
        require(registry.isProviderInitiated(address(this)), "Provider not intiialized");

        registry.initiateProviderCurve(specifier, curve, address(this));
        curves[specifier] = newToken(bytes32ToString(specifier), bytes32ToString(symbol));
        registry.setProviderParameter(specifier, toBytes(curves[specifier]));
        return curves[specifier];

    event Bonded(bytes32 indexed specifier, uint256 indexed numDots, address indexed sender); 

    //whether this contract holds tokens or coming from msg.sender,etc
    function bond(bytes32 specifier, uint numDots) public  {

        bondage = BondageInterface(coord.getContract("BONDAGE"));
        uint256 issued = bondage.getDotsIssued(address(this), specifier);

        CurrentCostInterface cost = CurrentCostInterface(coord.getContract("CURRENT_COST"));
        uint256 numReserve = cost._costOfNDots(address(this), specifier, issued + 1, numDots - 1);

            reserveToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), numReserve),
            "insufficient accepted token numDots approved for transfer"

        reserveToken.approve(address(bondage), numReserve);, specifier, numDots);
        FactoryTokenInterface(curves[specifier]).mint(msg.sender, numDots);
        Bonded(specifier, numDots, msg.sender);


    event Unbonded(bytes32 indexed specifier, uint256 indexed numDots, address indexed sender); 

    //whether this contract holds tokens or coming from msg.sender,etc
    function unbond(bytes32 specifier, uint numDots) public {

        bondage = BondageInterface(coord.getContract("BONDAGE"));
        uint issued = bondage.getDotsIssued(address(this), specifier);

        currentCost = CurrentCostInterface(coord.getContract("CURRENT_COST"));
        uint reserveCost = currentCost._costOfNDots(address(this), specifier, issued + 1 - numDots, numDots - 1);

        //unbond dots
        bondage.unbond(address(this), specifier, numDots);
        //burn dot backed token
        FactoryTokenInterface curveToken = FactoryTokenInterface(curves[specifier]);
        curveToken.burnFrom(msg.sender, numDots);

        require(reserveToken.transfer(msg.sender, reserveCost), "Error: Transfer failed");
        Unbonded(specifier, numDots, msg.sender);


    function newToken(
        string name,
        string symbol
        returns (address tokenAddress) 
        FactoryTokenInterface token = tokenFactory.create(name, symbol);
        tokenAddress = address(token);
        return tokenAddress;

    function getTokenAddress(bytes32 specifier) public view returns(address) {
        RegistryInterface registry = RegistryInterface(coord.getContract("REGISTRY")); 
        return bytesToAddr(registry.getProviderParameter(address(this), specifier));

    function toBytes(address x) public pure returns (bytes b) {
        b = new bytes(20);
        for (uint i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            b[i] = byte(uint8(uint(x) / (2**(8*(19 - i)))));

    function bytes32ToString(bytes32 x) public pure returns (string) {
        bytes memory bytesString = new bytes(32);

        bytesString = abi.encodePacked(x);

        return string(bytesString);

    function bytesToAddr (bytes b) public pure returns (address) {
        uint result = 0;
        for (uint i = b.length-1; i+1 > 0; i--) {
            uint c = uint(b[i]);
            uint to_inc = c * ( 16 ** ((b.length - i-1) * 2));
            result += to_inc;
        return address(result);


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